Come to friendship, I also very lucky with that, because I had many good friends, and they all means a lot to me. Some of them I calling my friends, some I calling good friends and of course a few of them I called my best friends or true friends.
They all have different meaning. True friend must be trustworthy, if you tell them a secret, you know they won't tell it to anyone else. If you talk to them about your problems, you can trust them to give their honest opinion. When a real friend offers to do something for you, you know it's will be done, not forgotten.
True friends must also be sensitive, they must try to understand how you feel. In fact sometime they know how you feel before you tell them. When you are upset, they make every effort to understand why and be supportive.
Friends don't need to share all of your attitudes, and beliefs, in fact, some difference of opinion can make friendship more lively. But true friends do have attitudes and interests in common with you to build a friendship. You may share general outlook on life and disagree only on some specifics. You may share some activities, like moto biking, shopping or go out for meal. You may also share memories based on having know each other for years and having been through a lot together.

Advantages of having a best friend is that you can tell she/he anything, include the secret that you think can not tell anyone else, and you feel not right to keep it in you.
Can your friends keep you secret? I don’t think so, but if best friends they always keep your secret for you. Maybe in some cases they don’t, it's depend on how much they care about you.
How do you know that he/she is your best friend? Well I think, no one can tell he or she is your best friends more than yourself.
I had one male best friend, he’s born in 1972, now he is 37 year old, his tall around 1,87m, he is Australian. He very handsome and kind, very funny but clever and helpful, very smart and thoughtful, he is generous and patience person.
I knew him since end of 2004 the beginning of 2005. Since we start know each other, there are many things been happened through both of us. Since I knew him, all he do is helping me to improve my life... he the only person can see that I am more than what I’m doing.
While I was in
Everything is about me, whenever we met we mainly discuss about my problem, and my ideas. When we fight I always have to win, when we discuss about things always my ideas is right. Sometime we fight and we didn’t talk to each other for long time, and that because I stubborn, but we always make up after that. We both often had opposite ideas, as an instance, my friend he never wants a baby, but for me, I like children very much, I always telling him to have a baby with his girl friend, sometime we spent whole day to talk about babies.
My true friend idea of having baby is a trouble, and not fun, I told him, marriage without baby is mean nothing, baby mean everything in relationship, and it’s the best experience that every relationship should have. I don’t know why I told him like that, I never have any baby, maybe I work too much with children and I like them very much, so that make me think that way, but because of working a lot with children, I can see the valuable of having baby.
My friend and I we share a lot of things together, he like a boy and I like a girl, we both seem never grow up. When we happy we share the laughter’s, if we sad, we hare the tears, if we angry we share the fights. Wherever I go, in this world, him always the first person that comes to visit me. Sometime I wonder is everything that happen to me with him is make by magic. If I very sad and think about him, he arrived just in front of me, when I though will call him to go out to share some stories, suddenly, I got his massage asked me to come out. Its feel so right, and the real happy friendship that I had with him, its will last in my heart for now and forever.
If your friendship getting into this point, do you think it’s will ever end? No it’s will never end but it’s can be reduce, time go by people move on, with life, that’s very sad but it’s normal. Now he had a baby, a wonderful baby boy. Now I can see that a baby can turn a boy into a real man, and its wonderful thing that ever happen to my best friend. Whenever I look at him again, I can see the different from now and before, and I’m happy for him.
For me he is the best friend and the best person and I ever knew, and for him I more than best friend, I’m more like his sister.
I hope every friendship is real like us.
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