If you do good,people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motive. Do good anyway.
Some of my friends in ChildSafe, having farewell drinks
There are more than one thousand NGOs in
However the Government only keeps on eyes about what
Back to the article, most of NGOs in
Many Organization in Cambodia are very corrupts, also many of them have done a great job by helping to reduce many difficulties for poor local people, such as: street people, street children, poor children that can’t afforded to pay for government school, help to encourage women to knows and to use their rights, encourage people to support their local products to help to improving incomes of local people, provided an vocational training skills to youths that dropped school, so that they can find job to earn some incomes for their future, provided some good medical care to poor people, youth and children, provided drugs elimination programs, teach local people how to help each other, society reintegration program…etc…
Receiving donation from Australia Post office. 2006
Even thought, there are many organizations that doing many different things to help the people in Cambodia, it’s still many issues that you always can see on the street, it’s seem not much different, and the worst things is that the more NGOs is the more problems in the country, people starting depend on NGOs.
More and more foreigners came to Cambodia to start new NGOs, everyone want to own their own NGOs so that they can do their way to help, in the same time also many organizations trying to take advantages of the country and other good NGOs names, by started some project and tell everyone or traveler that they helping children and poor people in Cambodia, then make people and traveler gives money to their organization, but they take the money put in there pocket.
As a Cambodian who supporting the charities in my country such as many other countries, I would like to say: I really grateful and appreciates, people who came to help my country, especially the people who had started the NGOs in Cambodia, I think they are amazing people who born to help others and they all is real heroes, they are very special that could started such a wonderful project and put their commitment tries to make the different, for other people even not their nationalities. Beside that I also request, if you really want to help, children or other people that you have in mind in my country, you can always support them without started a new NGO, instead of going toReceiving donation check from Sharni, Post office to Happy school program.
Bobilee ACE president and I eating oysters, my favorite food!
Please keep in mind Charity is to help, everyone should not think that they own this organization or that organization, everyone should have rights to involve helping with charity, doesn’t matter where you are or who you are, and if you want to support organization or other NGOs all around the world, you should first do the research before you give your money to them.
Organization needed the support from all kinds of people to reach their goal and make the different!!
The end, I wish all he good organizations success with every project you had, and I also wish the bad organization can do a better job.
You should always find the best solution to solve your issues, instead of just find temporary way. This is the annoying part of my experience, which I often had at my work. Most of my bosses said let do this way, to solve this problem, and when I tell them is not the best way to solve the problem, they all answered the same, we don’t have enough money to do your way, plus how do you know this way will not work if you not even try?
I think they are right, you never know if you don't try. I have different way to solve the problem, if there are many chooses, I always take the solution that I have in mind, write in one paper then try to find the advantages and disadvantages of each solution, then I choose the solution that has most advantages. That how I solve the problem, even it has to pay a little bit more, its alright, because if you don’t find the best solution now you will have the same problem again and again, and to solve the same problem all over again it's spend more money and wasted times. Sometime your boss doesn't care, because if the same problem come up again you the one that need to deal with it, not them. As a employee three things you need to know about your boss. One: your boss always right! Two: The boss never wrong!. Three: If the boss wrong doesn’t talk about it!. And one bigger thing is, it’s not easy to be a good boss in every employees eye.
Here are some tips to share with everyone, if you want to do a lot of different things in the same time, you should always try to find the interesting part of your job and enjoy doing it, don't do just because you need the money to pay your bill. Every job had its own special part, its take some times to find it. Doesn’t matter you like your job or not, always do your best. To be or not to be! Whatever result you received, it’s shows your ability, that would make you not to regret what you had done.
Now I am a nanny in DC looking after two children. I love my job. Children are very annoying sometimes, but they are our future. They are beautiful people and yet they make me sad, angry, bring me to tears but also make me laugh. I have learn a lot from children: I learned how to have patience, to care, to think, to love and to be a good person. I want them to grow up to become good people, so I have to always be a good example for them.
Quin, Jolony, Caroline and Elliott, my DC family.
Below are some of my experiences in
1- Sep 2007-Sep 2008: Organization name: Friends International (FI).
Responsibilities: Running ChildSafe information center in
For more information about ChildSafe please goes to
2- July 2005-Sep 2007: Organization name: Australian for Cambodian Education (ACE)
Position: Project Manager
3- Jun-October 2005: Company name: Cambodia Yellow Pages
Responsibilities: Make appointment with client for Sale Constantan.
4- Jun 2004 – Jun 2005: Company name: Korean Company
Position: Business Manager (Part time and weekend)
Responsibilities: Take photos, check the new stock, make list and buy clothes from
5- Sep 2004 – Dec 2004: Pen Chang Lottery Company
Position: General Manager
Responsibilities: Manage the lottery ticket and selling system.
6- 2003 – 2004: Lacrosette Restaurant, Waitress and Cashier
7- 2001 – 2003: Philimore Company, Domestic maid in
8- Part time jobs, night time jobs and weekend jobs.
2005 Running a bar name Soho2 (Night time)
2005 Khmer teacher, teach Khmer to foreigners (Weekend)
2008 Running Korea Interior Design Company (Part time)
2008 Private Investigator for
2008 Translator, Khmer to English, English to Khmer (Part time)
2007 Own a beauty salon shop in
My name is Pon Kaknika. I started write this article called Me-Myself & U, on 1st of January 2009, after I come back from
To moved to America is the big thing that never ever happen in my life, and I love it. I am enjoying each day and each moment I had here, so this blog is to write an real stories that happened, or the idea that I had, mostly my life in America and comparation with life in Cambodia. It is more easy to write about myself than about other people, because to write about myrself I knew that it's real and I confidance about what I writing, even knew I didn't have a good writing skill.
To write about other people is taking a lot of time, because I need to interview the person, to research etc.. and I just not very confidance that what I hear is true, but still I trying to write about something interesting and put more pictures so that you not get bored while you reading, plus I only like to read somthing with pictures and colorful.
I am not very supertitious but I believe in " Do good received good. Do bad recieved bad " and goodness win the badness. If other people be bad to you the best way to change their behavious always being good to them.
A lot of my friends keep asking the same questions about my life in America, now it's easy for me that I don't have to answer the same question with them, I can just write all about it in this blog, as an information about my life here and also for my friends that want to know about me!
I have been and keeping doing the research from many different people, who have been involved with different life experiences.
There also will be many questions make to answer, to educated myself and people who read this article. To answer, to ask question and to discuss all questions that you would like to know, please add it anytime in this blog.
Please feel free to ask anything you want to know about me and my life experience, and you can always share yours’ in this blog too!
I find it very interesting to write about life, I really enjoy writing it. I never think my life it's so beautiful and wonderful until I wrote down the past, then read for the present and trying to predict the future and it's seem predictable to me, a lot of fun to study this way and it's work very well to me.
I have learn a lot from many of you who had read my articles and give me back your feedback. I really appreciate that. A lot of you spent your own time to correct mistakes in my blog and teach me how to write a better article, also some of you doesn't understand how to comment in this blog but you had sent me a very kind email and Skype trying to show me your support and answer some of my questions... I can see that my writing skill now is improving a lot, and not be possible without your supported!
Many thanks for that!! I am impress of people in western world that have passion to help other people with education. I hope to share this experiences with my local people in the future.
Because of the successes and it's a best way that I could learn fast, plus I enjoying learning from this blog, now I starting a new blog called Study-Group to share with my college to support each other with home work and try to improve our weakness. Hope we all can past GED the same time.
Thank you very much for reading my article. All comments are welcome.
Keep in touch!
God bless you.
From Nika